Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Science at Leon Springs Elementary

The 3rd Grade classes at Leon Springs Elementary School uses the Harcourt Science book.

Unfortunately, Northside Independent School District has combined their curriculum to teach Science & Social Studies together. So far, only Social Studies has been covered in the classroom. They will begin learning about Science this week.

This is one of the classroom microscopes.

A Simple Machines poster is a helpful resource used in the classroom.

This is a little "bug barn" that the students can place bugs in to observe. The students are encouraged to look for bugs before school, during recess, & after school. If they find something at home, they can bring it to class in a jar with a lid that has holes punctured in it.

The Harcourt Science book includes a section in the beginning of the textbook that explains the safety rules that must be followed in the classroom.  This week, they will be introduced to the students.

Here is another picture from the textbook that explains how to use Science Process Skills.

This is my 3rd Grade classroom at Leon Springs Elementary School.

This is a little Science packet that hangs on a bulletin board, for the students to use whenever they like.

Here is another, more elaborate, Simple Machines poster that hangs on the wall of the classroom.

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